Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/22/2017 - 7:00 PM
Category: Old Business and Action Items
Type: Info
Subject: Policy JHCF: Student Wellness
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Objective 5.1 Student Physical, Social, and Emotional Health
ACPS will develop, implement, and monitor effective programs that promote physical, social, and emotional wellness in order to maximize students’ learning potential.
Policy: JHCF - Student Wellness
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable)
File Attachment:
Agenda Item Summary: Policy JHCF: Student Wellness
Last reviewed in 2015, this policy has been updated to reflect the adoption of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. Incorporation of this statute requires collaborative implementation procedures, assessment and accountability measures to ensure progress in attaining the policy’s goals. *BLUE TEXT REFLECTS FEEDBACK RECEIVED SINCE THE 6/8/17 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING.

Presented to the School Board for information at its June 8, 2017 Board Meeting, Policy JHCF has been revised to incorporate Board Member and staff feedback.

Pg. 1: B. Physical Activity
The weekly goal for student physical activity has been increased from 150 minutes per week to 220 minutes per week to reflect not only the Board’s desire to exceed VDOE’s minimum standards, but also to reflect that most students already receive well over 150 minutes per week.

Regulation JHCF-R has been revised to incorporate the following Board Member and staff feedback, as well as School Health Advisory Board recommendations:

Pg. 2: Nutritional Guidelines for Vending Machines, Concessions, Celebrations, School-Sponsored Fundraising Activities, and Sporting Events (#3)
This has been revised to clarify that “consumption of food in the classroom” relates to breakfast, snack, etc. provided by Nutrition Services, and that food consumed throughout school facilities should be monitored due to allergy and sanitation concerns.

Pg. 3: Physical Education, Recess and Physical Activity Guidelines (#4)
The average number of minutes of instruction per week received by students enrolled in high school health/physical education classes was clarified by staff as 180 minutes.

Pg. 3: Physical Education, Recess and Physical Activity Guidelines (#6)
As a result of Board Member feedback, the text was revised for when a student is unable to fully participate in physical education class on a particular day due to illness, injury, or religious practices, that daily activities will be modified accordingly “under the direction of,” instead of “at the discretion of,” the physical educator.

Pg. 3: Physical Education, Recess and Physical Activity Guidelines (#10)
As a result of Board Member feedback, the text was revised to state, “When weather conditions prohibit outdoor recess, indoor activities should provide opportunities for movement when possible.”

Pg. 4: Physical Education, Recess and Physical Activity Guidelines (#16)
A School Health Advisory Board recommendation has been incorporated for secondary school health and physical education teachers to receive regular substance abuse training.

Pg. 4: Physical Education, Recess and Physical Activity Guidelines (#17)
A School Health Advisory Board recommendation has been incorporated for kindergarten through grade 12 students to receive substance abuse prevention programing.
Background: follow up-to-date policies, and that all policies shall be reviewed at least every five years and revised as needed. In addition, the Alexandria City School Board’s Policy BF provides that policies will be reviewed at least every three years and revised as needed.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the School Board review Policy JHCF and Regulation JHCF-R.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Final-Clerk of the Board - Proxy